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Over 10 miles of trails


Many hiking trails begin or pass through Bilgers Rocks park and continue into the surrounding  Forest. Some trails travel across privately owned lands, while others follow along streams or through hardwood forests. Hike the Trail to compare a young forest to a mature forest.


The trails are marked and distinguished by paint colored dots on the tree's along the trails.  


Pink Trail - .73 mi - the entire trail is on an established roadway and starts near the pavilion.


Orange Trail - .82 mi - starts across the road below the garage, it is an established roadway, and ends at the pavilion.


White Trail (Roland Welker Trail)- .94 mi - the trail starts and ends near the pavilion, part of it is on the roadway and goes through the forest over some logs and rocks. 


Unmarked Trails: 

  • Birch Trail

  • Solley Trail

  • Shadow Trail

  • Duane Spencer Trail


2021 Created by Visit Clearfield County & the Bilger's Rocks Association.

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